
      Principles of Sakichi Toyoda (established in 1935)

     -  Always be faithful to your duties, thereby contributing to the company and to the overall good.

     -  Always be studious and creative, striving to stay ahead of the times.

     -  Always be practical and avoid frivolousness.

     -  Always strive to build a homelike atmosphere at work that is warm and friendly.

     -  Always have respect for spiritual matters, and remember to be grateful at all times.

The company will promote corporate growth while fulfiling the following responsibilities as a good corporate citizen

  • Maintain ethical values, ensuring that our corporate activities are fair and transparent;
  • Supply safe products that do not harm the environment; Promote corporate activities that help protect the global environment;
  • Create a better society as a member of our local communities.

The company will develop innovative technologies and products to deliver quality that satisfies our customers.

The company will promote innovative management policies that ensure future corporate growth and the trust of our shareholders.

The company will build and maintain positive labour-management relations, respect the individuality of its employees and create safe and comfortable workplaces.

Business partners
The company will promote open and mutually beneficial relationships with its business partners in pursuit of long-term growth and prosperity.

We contribute to society by developing leading-edge technologies and manufacturing high-quality products.


  • We meet challenges with courage and creativity, to realize our dreams.
  • We carry out kaizen continuously, aiming to achieve higher goals.
  • We practice Genchi-Genbutsu by going to the source to analyze problems and find their root causes.
  • Once a decision is made, we move quickly to carry out the plan, with passion and a sense of mission.
  • We seek to do our best, act professionally and take responsibility for our actions.
  • We respect the values of other cultures and accept differences, with an open mind and a global perspective.
  • As a good corporate citizen, we do what is right and contribute to society.
  • We respect the individual and use teamwork to produce the best result.


We craft happier journeys with our Stakeholders

To Become Global No. 1 in Toyota Boshoku by Collaborative Competition