Toyota Boshoku Türkiye commits to meet all requirements of environmental and energy management system at its manufacturing activity of automobile interior products while contributing to society.
We are committed to do and will:
- - Aim environmental conservation and energy efficiency by assessing environmental impacts of production and significant energy usage setting environmental and energy objectives & targets and achievement,
- - Follow reviews regularly about energy and environment management system targets,
- - Provide necessary resources to contribute to sustainable society,
- - Comply with national, regional environmental law, energy efficiency law and regulations together with requirements from customers.
- - Being fully aware that “Taking measures at source” is the basic principle of environmental and energy management, work diligently on environmental protection and energy efficiency at all stages from process development to disposal,
- - Continuously improve environmental and energy performance by means of energy efficient process design, product and service supply, and fulfil compliance obligations,
- - Apply the necessary technologies in the context of sustainable development in line with global environmental and energy policies in product development, design and manufacturing processes,
- - Minimize wastes, prevent pollution and eliminate environmental impacts of our business activities,
- - Reduce natural resources usage and energy consumption as a company attaching importance to global environment and ensure energy efficiency,
- - We aim to prepare training programmes Conduct training programmes to raise environmental and energy consciousness among our employees, sub-contractors and suppliers.
- - Support & cooperate with environmental protection, energy efficiency activities while engaging in dialogue with local community.