TBT won "Efficiency award" at "2017 Industry Efficiency Week" held by Turkish Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology. "INDUSTRY EFFICIENCY WEEK", an event of Turkish Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, aiming to increase knowledge and consciousness in Turkey with regards to efficiency since 2014, had 157 applicant companies this year. Among a wide range of small scale to large scale companies and public institutions, TBT, applying for the first time, came the 2nd large-scale company at "Process Improvement" category Starting with Minister of of Science, Industry and Technology Mr. ÖZLÜ, government officials and representatives of award winner companies attended the award ceremony event held in Ankara on 8th May 2017. Representing TBT, President Halim TURHAN received the award from the Minister. Award winnng project was "Productivity improvement through elimination of touch-up paint process at plastic injection parts". By winning this award, our longstanding efforts and dedication to kaizen culture has been officially recognized.